LTS.02.05 Don’t Blame; Learn and Improve


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Lean Training Series topic LTS.02.05 “Don’t Blame; Learn and Improve”
Learn more about the Lean Training Series here.

This topic covers these points:
* Brief review of the definition of Lean.
* Lean is like an iceberg: a small part is visible; most important parts “under the surface”: attitudes, thinking, teamwork, leadership, etc.
* Lean expects to have problems regularly for these reasons:
1) Rapidly changing world
2) Fallen/flawed world
3) Fallen/flawed people-including US!
* The usual response to problems is blame-and-shame
* Scolding and blame-and-shame are ineffective
* If we are to become an “army of problem-solvers”, we must bring problems to the surface
* We need a culture that feels like, “Its Safe Here”
* Respect for people means assuming they WANT to succeed
* Better response: ask what in our current process caused a person who wants to succeed to fail.
* Improve process so people are more likely to succeed
* Slogan: “be hard on the process, but soft on the people”
* A “learn and improve” response to problems is more effective AND more fulfilling

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Video download  Video of slides with Ray Randolph reading script: delivered by download after purchase.

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