Lean Coaching and Training from a Solid Christian perspective

An Army of Problem-Solvers

“For any company pursuing any form of improvement, problem-solving is vital. An organization with only pockets of problem-solving ability will struggle in the long run. An organization with an army of problem solvers is much better suited to face the challenges of the competitive marketplace.”  Four types of problems by Art Smalley (Lean enterprise Institute, […]

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Understand the Root Cause

“In true problem solving, we are deeply trying to understand the root cause of a problem so that we can ultimately prevent the problem from occurring again.”  The Toyota Way to Continuous Improvement by Jeffrey K. Liker and James K. Franz (McGraw Hill, 2011) p. 13.

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How to Get “Stability”

“Without basic stability there is no just-in-time; without problem-solving there is no basic stability.”  Four types of problems by Art Smalley (Lean enterprise Institute, 2018) p. vii.

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Constant Problem-Solving

“Daily and virtually constant problem-solving activity is the key to the Toyota culture and to its success.”  Toyota Culture  by Jeffrey Liker & Michael Hoseus (McGraw Hill, 2008) p. 152

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Improvement or Problem-Solving. Which is Better?

The correct answer is both. Let me explain. Here’s a good definition of Lean:“Lean is a people-driven improvement system that can improve any work process.” The key is to train EVERYONE in a business how to improve work to get better quality, less waste, safer conditions, and higher production. Lean leaders want to turn their […]

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What Toyota Does…

“At one level, all that Toyota does is simply this: continuous improvement through people.”  Leading the Lean Enterprise Transformation (2nd Ed.) by George Koenigsaecker (CRC Press, 2013) p. 10

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Lean Defined

“What we are really talking about with Lean is a people-driven improvement system that can improve any work process.”   Leading the Lean Enterprise Transformation (2nd Ed.) by George Koenigsaecker (CRC Press, 2013) p. 16

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The Most Motivating Way…

“It turns out that the most motivating way in which people can be involved with their workplace is the improvement of their own work processes.” Leading the Lean Enterprise Transformation (2nd Ed.) by George Koenigsaecker (CRC Press, 2013) p. 65

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What is “Kaizen” and Why Should We Do it?

“Kaizen is a Japanese term meaning change for the better or continuous improvement.” We use a few Japanese words in the Lean Business Culture because Lean was originally developed at the Toyota Motor company in Japan. If you prefer to use English words, just think “continuous improvement” whenever you see or hear the word “kaizen.” […]

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Improving Our Work…and Improving My Blog!

(See below for how I plan to improve my blog posts.) What is an “Improvement?” An improvement is a CHANGE that makes our work easier, safer, faster, or better quality. One way to improve is by changing the steps we follow to do our work. This is called a “process” change. Another way to improve […]

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