Eyes on Leaders
"So all eyes are on the leaders, who can make or break the Lean culture very easily." The Toyota Engagement Equation by Tracy & Ernie Richardson (McGraw Hill, 2017) p.…
"So all eyes are on the leaders, who can make or break the Lean culture very easily." The Toyota Engagement Equation by Tracy & Ernie Richardson (McGraw Hill, 2017) p.…
"The toughest and most basic challenge for companies that want to learn from Toyota is how to create an aligned organization of individuals who each have the DNA of the…
"From the time Toyota first started its operation, the leaders believed that the key to success was investment in its people. Toyota culture has evolved since the company's founding and…
I've decided to make a small improvement in my definition of LEAN: I'm changing the last word "process" to "system." My improved definition now reads: Lean is a people-centered culturewhere…
"Be hard on the process, but soft on the operators." A Toyota saying quoted in Toyota Kata by Mike Rother (McGraw Hill, 2010) p. 141.
"Nothing changes until leader behavior changes." Attributed to Rensis Likert in Creating a Lean Culture, 3rd Edition by David Mann (CRC Press, 2015), p. 237.
"A happy customer is the best job security you can get." Jay Goltz, CEO of The Goltz Group quoted in Small Giants by Bo Burlingham 10th anniversary edition (Portfolio/Penguin, 2005,…
"Many companies change the physical layout of equipment and think that one-piece flow will automatically follow. But they often are creating fake flow. An example of fake flow would be…
"Sustaining continuous flow also serves to surface any problem that would inhibit that flow. In essence, the creation of flow forces the correction of problems, resulting in reduced waste. We…
"So physically shifting from batch and queue operations…to one-piece flow without inventory almost guarantees you will encounter many more problems. So why do it? Precisely to allow the processes to…