The “Curse”, God’s “Common Grace”, and the Lean Business Culture
(Note from Ray: I took break from Posting back in mid-December. I plan to resume--probably at a pace of about 1 post per week. Here's a re-write of a post…
(Note from Ray: I took break from Posting back in mid-December. I plan to resume--probably at a pace of about 1 post per week. Here's a re-write of a post…
Bible-believing Christians know that Adam and Eve's fall into sin brought death and destruction to the human race. The "fall" damaged both people and creation. In Genesis 3:16-19, we read…
Does Lean line up with the Bible's teaching? Is it consistent with the Christian Faith? These were my questions when I first learned of Lean in 2007. I was cautious…
The best way I know to get to OUTSTANDING is the Lean Business Culture.
"Unfortunately, our general human tendency is to assume with great certainty that we know far more than we really do. Our primitive brain hates uncertainty and drives us to assume…