Take Pleasure in our “Toil”?

“The author of Ecclesiastes picks up on this […theme of satisfaction]. There we are told, ‘Everyone should eat and drink and take pleasure in all his toil — this is God’s gift to man’ (Ecclesiastes 3:13). Some take this to be sarcastic, believing that the author of Ecclesiastes is the most jaundiced and jaded person who ever lived. It’s true that there is sarcasm in Ecclesiastes, but this text, coupled with various passages from Proverbs, seems to be pointing to something that is quite true. God has made us to work, and as we work we find contentment, satisfaction, and happiness. This is one of the many good gifts from God to us.” 

What is Vocation, by Stephen J Nichols (P & R Publishing, 2010) p. 24.

Note from Ray: I’m on vacation from today thru Mon 5/13. I expect my next “Juicy Quote” post to be Tue 5/14.