What Toyota Does…
"At one level, all that Toyota does is simply this: continuous improvement through people." Leading the Lean Enterprise Transformation (2nd Ed.) by George Koenigsaecker (CRC Press, 2013) p. 10
"At one level, all that Toyota does is simply this: continuous improvement through people." Leading the Lean Enterprise Transformation (2nd Ed.) by George Koenigsaecker (CRC Press, 2013) p. 10
"What we are really talking about with Lean is a people-driven improvement system that can improve any work process." Leading the Lean Enterprise Transformation (2nd Ed.) by George Koenigsaecker (CRC…
"It turns out that the most motivating way in which people can be involved with their workplace is the improvement of their own work processes." Leading the Lean Enterprise Transformation…
"One of the students of Taiichi Ohno said,' We at Toyota made a mistake. We should never have called it the Toyota Production System [TPS]. We should have called it…
"People don't go to Toyota to work; they go there to think." Taiichi Ohno, quoted in The Lean Farm by Ben Hartman (Chelsea Green Publishing, 2015) p. 139. Note from…
"Toyota considers problem solving as the main activity for all levels of the organization." Toyota Culture by Jeffrey Liker & Michael Hoseus (McGraw Hill, 2008) Kindle Edition location 3507.
"Improvement is not just seen as a win for the company but also as a way for employees to find satisfaction in their jobs and for management to sustain motivation…
"It turns out that the most motivating way in which people can be involved with their workplace is the improvement of their own work processes." Leading the Lean Enterprise Transformation…
"The power of the Toyota Production System is that it unleashes creativity and continuous improvement." The Toyota Way 2nd Edition by Jeffrey K. Liker (McGraw Hill, 2021) p. 87.
Do you have questions like these:"If my business grows and I hire other people to help me, what will that be like? If I do it right, will it be…