Success Starts with Leadership

“It is clear that the difference between success and failure starts with leadership. This starts at the top, but ultimately the process is carried by those in the middle supporting the value-adding employees. In many organizations these ‘middle level managers’ are seen only as a necessity to keep things in order. …Unfortunately, in many companies today the front-line leader (middle manager or supervisor) is often viewed as a ‘traffic copy,’ or worse, as a ‘babysitter.’ …Toyota has a completely different view regarding front-line leaders [Team Leaders and Group Leaders] and places a much greater importance on them. They are viewed as crucial elements of the Toyota Way, and they must live up to much higher expectations than in most companies.”

The Toyota Way Fieldbook by Jeffrey K. Liker and David Meier (McGraw Hill, 2006) pp. 219-220)

Note from Ray: I’m currently working on some training materials for “Team Leaders” and will focus my posts for the next few days on this topic. I also plan to continue on the topic of “What is God’s Purpose for my Business” next Monday 9/9, which is intended for business owners.