During one of my recent client visits, a Team Leader told me that one of his Team Members “refuses” to follow the Standardized Work for the daily production process. The TL explained that he’s reminded the team (and this individual) several times to follow the current best-known process steps. Despite this, the “guy keeps doing […]
Read More“We Need Their Hearts and Minds.”
“In order for leaders to create environments where skilled and motivated people can bring their skills, work together in a safe environment as well as a smart environment, to make the best products and services in the world, and improve their efficiency every year, we need their hearts and minds.” Alan Mulally, quoted in Designing […]
Read MoreThe “Curse”, God’s “Common Grace”, and the Lean Business Culture
(Note from Ray: I took break from Posting back in mid-December. I plan to resume–probably at a pace of about 1 post per week. Here’s a re-write of a post from March 2024 on the Christian foundation of Lean.) Bible-believing Christians know that Adam and Eve’s fall in sin brought death and destruction into the […]
Read MoreCreate a “Continuous Improvement Machine”
“Lean is a transformation that builds toward a continuous improvement culture, not just a ‘program’ that’s designed to make tactical gains. Lean can certainly help as a short-term tactical tool, but the big gains are in the creation of a continuous improvement machine inside your own organization that drives both personal and organizational growth. That […]
Read MoreHow To Get Good Ideas
In the Lean Business Culture, we talk about having ideas for improvement, testing them, and then implementing the ones that work. So, how do we get GOOD ideas? After all, some ideas are (shall we say) ”not-so-good.” I’ve had plenty of “not-so-good” ideas. You can probably say the same. How do we get GOOD ones? […]
Read MorePeople are the Key to Lean
Lean works when leaders cultivate and mobilize the creative power of people. Christians believe that people are created in the “likeness of God.” As a result, people have as set of abilities that are similar to those of God. Of course, our abilities are limited, imperfect, and distorted by sin. Despite this, they do have […]
Read MoreSeven Benefits from Following Standards
Companies that are serious about the Lean Business Culture standardize everything they can. The most important things to standardize are are the procedures we use to create value for our customers– Process Standards. Here are seven benefits that result:
Read MoreJuicy Quotes going Weekly thru 12/31/24
For the remainder of 2024, I plan to post “juicy quotes” weekly instead of daily. I have several training development projects going, and want to focus on them for the rest of this year. At this point, I expect to do weekly posts on Tuesdays. Blessings to you –Ray Randolph
Read MoreStandard Work Drives Learning
“… We distinguish Lean from all other process improvement methodologies by the characteristic of collaborative continual problem-solving i.e. organizational learning. This simply can’t happen without standard work.” “…individuals can learn without standard work, but organizations cannot.” The Lean Management System by Joe Murli (The Murli Group, 2015) p. 67.
Read MoreWill Standards Turn Us Into Robots?
Here’s a question that might come to mind when we consider standardizing work procedures. “Will standards turn us into un-thinking robots?” This is a reasonable concern, and it HAS happened frequently in the history of business:Control-oriented leaders have used standards to essentially say to their workers, “Don’t THINK, just DO what we tell you…follow these […]
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