Does 5S = Lean??

“Unfortunately, some companies seem to think 5S [the system of organizing and labeling work areas] is lean production. …The Toyota Production System is not about using 5S to neatly organize and label everything, including waste, to make the place appear tidy and shiny. …Lean systems use 5S to support a smooth flow to takt. 5S is also a tool to help make problems visible and, if used in a sophisticated way, can be part of the process of continuous improvement.”  The Toyota Way 2nd Edition by Jeffrey K. Liker (McGraw Hill, 2021) pp. 148-149.

(Note from Ray: I have met several companies and people who make the mistake described in the quote: they think that Lean is mostly organizing and housekeeping. Remember: the true core of Lean is involving ALL your people in continuously improving your value-creating process. 5S is an important tool and a good way to start. But it isn’t the essence of Lean. People are.)