Leaders are Teachers
"A strong assumption within Toyota's culture is that managers are leaders and leaders are teachers. This is something you cannot easily see simply touring a Toyota plant. The most important…
"A strong assumption within Toyota's culture is that managers are leaders and leaders are teachers. This is something you cannot easily see simply touring a Toyota plant. The most important…
"At Toyota, OJD [On the Job Development] is arguably the most important responsibility of all managers and Toyota has developed a systematic approach. Toyota uses the term 'development' because it…
"The instructor's responsibility is to stay with the student until they can comfortably perform the job to takt time following the standardized work. This is known as the 'stabilization stage.'…
"In Toyota, they never believed that […that classroom training alone is effective at developing people…]. They always believe that what really matters is not the hours of classroom training, but…
"The research is definitive that training and development increases loyalty. Besides, what's the alternative? Do you really want the people you have right now to NOT be the best trained…
"At the same time as new hires are learning the basic skills of the job, they are being socialized into the Toyota Way of doing things. For example, just being…
"Learning Lean is a hands-on proposition. Effective Lean training calls for something different than the typical classroom approach." Creating a Lean Culture, 3rd Edition by David Mann (CRC Press, 2015),…
"Once the standardized work is defined it provides a picture of what should be happening. To turn the desired behavior into actual behavior requires training through enough repetitions that the…
In two recent posts (9/3/24 and 9/9/24) I shared some thoughts on a question many of us business owners ask: "What is my PURPOSE in Business? Is it anything beyond…
(Note from Ray: My short article on What is God's Purpose for my Business Part 3 is reschedule to Tue 9/17/24) "So how does an organization go about figuring out…