Resolve Problems at a Root-Cause Level
"Another description of Lean is to think of it as a system, one that is designed to identify problems, and then resolve them at a root-cause level. Given that 99…
"Another description of Lean is to think of it as a system, one that is designed to identify problems, and then resolve them at a root-cause level. Given that 99…
"If you look at the Toyota Production System simplistically, it's about making problems and improvement opportunities visible to workers and management, and addressing them as close to the source as…
"For any company pursuing any form of improvement, problem-solving is vital. An organization with only pockets of problem-solving ability will struggle in the long run. An organization with an army…
"In true problem solving, we are deeply trying to understand the root cause of a problem so that we can ultimately prevent the problem from occurring again." The Toyota Way…
"Without basic stability there is no just-in-time; without problem-solving there is no basic stability." Four types of problems by Art Smalley (Lean enterprise Institute, 2018) p. vii.
"Daily and virtually constant problem-solving activity is the key to the Toyota culture and to its success." Toyota Culture by Jeffrey Liker & Michael Hoseus (McGraw Hill, 2008) p. 152
The correct answer is both. Let me explain. Here's a good definition of Lean:"Lean is a people-driven improvement system that can improve any work process." The key is to train…
"At one level, all that Toyota does is simply this: continuous improvement through people." Leading the Lean Enterprise Transformation (2nd Ed.) by George Koenigsaecker (CRC Press, 2013) p. 10