Sustainable Competitive Advantage
It's easy to think that standards REDUCE creativity. One of the big surprises in Lean is the exact opposite: when used rightly, standards INCREASE creativity and flexibility. They do so…
It's easy to think that standards REDUCE creativity. One of the big surprises in Lean is the exact opposite: when used rightly, standards INCREASE creativity and flexibility. They do so…
"Standard work is the platform upon which the next improvement is built. Without standard work each individual develops their own way of doing things sometimes narrowly and sometimes widely. The…
"The establishment of standardized processes and procedures is the greatest key to creating consistent performance. It is only when the process is stable that you can begin the creative progression…
"Standards are, in my opinion, the most important foundation of Lean and one which is often underrated and given less attention by manufacturing professionals. This is one of the main…
As I mentioned in the previous post, there are many things to "standardize" in business. In the Lean Business Culture, perhaps the most important thing to standardize is the work…
If we visit a company that is serious about the Lean Business Culture and watch carefully, we would see this: They have STANDARDS for nearly everything! If we would watch…
When you keep improving the same process over and over, it keeps getting better. Leading the Lean Enterprise Transformation (2nd Ed.) by George Koenigsaecker (CRC Press, 2013) pp. 48-53
"In a Lean environment, the expectation is that everyone has two responsibilities. The first is to run your part of the business--even if that is only a single workstation--on a…
"Continuous improvement means getting better every day and is the driver for building a sustainable enterprise. Only those at the gemba [where the work is done] can understand the problems…
"The Toyota Way can be briefly summarized through the two pillars that support it: 'Continuous Improvement' and 'Respect for People.' Continuous improvement, often called kaizen, defines Toyota's basic approach to…