What is “Gemba”?
"Gemba is roughly translated from the Japanese as 'the real place.' In this sense, real refers to where the action is happening. To illustrate, Japanese television news reporters covering the…
"Gemba is roughly translated from the Japanese as 'the real place.' In this sense, real refers to where the action is happening. To illustrate, Japanese television news reporters covering the…
Do you have questions like these:"If my business grows and I hire other people to help me, what will that be like? If I do it right, will it be…
"The Bible begins talking about work as soon as it begins talking about anything--that is how important and basic it is. The author of the book of Genesis describes God's…
"The author of Ecclesiastes picks up on this […theme of satisfaction]. There we are told, 'Everyone should eat and drink and take pleasure in all his toil — this is…
God's command to Adam and Eve in Genesis 1:28 (ESV) includes this phrase: Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it… Author Tim Keller explains: "So the…
"In the beginning, then, God worked. Work was not a necessary evil that came into the picture later, or something human beings were created to do but that was beneath…
"Humans are created, equipped, and called to work (Gen 1:26-28). God is a worker. We were created in his image. God designed us to stay busy. Moreover, God invites us…
"On this journey you learn to impose on yourself the same kind of disciplined adherence to process you now expect of operators in following their standardized work or standardized procedures.…
"If you want better results, then forget about setting goals. Focus on your system instead. What do I mean by this? Are goals completely useless? Of course not. Goals are…
"…we too can become extraordinary leaders if we only embrace the fact that success is not so much a function of intelligence or natural ability, but rather of commitment to…