The Power of Teams and the Tower of Babel

In my blog post last week Using the Minds of the Many, I described the power available when people THINK as a team. Team thinking is called “collaboration” and requires team-members to have humble attitudes and clear communication.

The power of collaboration is illustrated by a fascinating Bible passage in Genesis 11:1-9. In this account, the people had discovered an effective brick-making technology and decided to build an impressive tower that would glorify themselves over God.

For several reasons, this was a great evil in God’s sight and He took action to stop it. In the process, God makes this surprising statement: “…Behold, they are one people, and they have all one language, and this is only the beginning of what they will do. And nothing that they propose to do will now be impossible for them.” (Gen 11:6)

God stopped their efforts by confusing their language so that they couldn’t understand one another. Their city and its tower became known as “Babel,” which sounds like the Hebrew word for “confused.”

I don’t claim to fully understand this passage, but here are 3 lessons which seem clear:

1) God hates it when groups try to “make a name” for themselves and may intervene to stop them.
2) People working together can achieve great things.
3) Clear communication is needed for group achievement;
unclear communication hinders group achievement.

This “Tower of Babel” passage is obviously a warning. But it’s also a confirmation. God designed human beings with the ability for powerful achievement when they work in teams.