“5S” makes Work Areas Safe, Productive, and Reliable

“The objective of workplace organization is to create a functionally organized work environment and not to simply give the appearance that things are organized.” 

Lean Office and Service Simplified by Drew Locher (CRC Press, 2011) Kindle Edition  location 1457.

Note from Ray: “5S” is a Lean system to organize work areas. It is named for 5 words that all start with the letter “S”. (I’ll cover the “S” words in the next few blog posts.) 5S is a common way for a company to begin the Lean journey. It’s highly visible and easy-to-see on a shop tour. When done well, it improves worker experience AND productivity. Unfortunately, 5S isn’t always “done well.” One flaw is to think that 5S is all there is to Lean. Another flaw is to think that the purpose of 5S is for work areas to LOOK organized. The truth is expressed in the quote above: 5S is far more than just “good housekeeping.” 5S helps PEOPLE be safe, productive, and reliable.