4 “Purpose” Quotes from Pat Lencioni

(Note from Ray: My short article on What is God’s Purpose for my Business Part 3 is reschedule to Tue 9/17/24)

“So how does an organization go about figuring out why it exists? It starts by asking this question: ‘How do we contribute to a better world?'”  The Advantage by Patrick Lencioni (Josey Bass, 2012) p. 85

“Some executives, especially those who are a little cynical about all this purpose stuff, will say that their company exists simply to make money for owners or shareholders. That is almost never a purpose, but rather an important indicator of success. It’s how an organization knows that it is effectively fulfilling its purpose, but it falls far short of providing the organization with a guide to what ultimately matters most.”  The Advantage by Patrick Lencioni (Josey Bass, 2012) p. 84
Note from Ray: this thought echoes some concepts from Peter Drucker.

“In order to successfully identify their organization’s purpose, leaders must accept the notion that all organizations exist to make people’s lives better.”  The Advantage by Patrick Lencioni (Josey Bass, 2012) p. 82

“Jim Collins and Jerry Porras introduce the idea of core purpose in their great book, Built to Last. They asserted that successful, enduring organizations understand the fundamental reason they were founded and why they exist, and they stay true to that reason. This helps them avoid losing their way.”  The Advantage by Patrick Lencioni (Josey Bass, 2012) p. 82